Friday, December 4, 2009

Put This In Your Home and Breathe It

I just have to step foot in a home to know its occupants are being slowly poisoned to death by their own poor air quality. The primary cause of pollution in homes is not some airborne bacterium that grows in your shower and onto the walls, it is without a doubt the chemicals found within the home that torture & kill pets and humans.

It doesn’t take a genius to Google the truth about chemicals - products people use on their bodies via soaps, lotion, deodorant, and what they spray in the air including perfumes, hair products, and air products. Unless you are using 100% natural products made from FOOD (and the ingredients are actually edible), then you are poisoning yourself. Your own toothpaste could contain your death unless it is SLS & PG –free.

How do we smell good without these products? Number one is cleansing. Clean bodies do not stink. If you know it’ll be a while before the stink goes away but you want to commit to being truly clean, you have to do away with chemicals and replace them with essential oils, which are living and actively eat the bacteria causing the smell. This takes a paradigm shift.

In the home, diffusing oils can be adjusted depending on need. The solutions are endless, but we can’t be complacent and just buy whatever crap they sell at Wal-Mart. You must make conscious choices about what you breathe in your home - what your children breathe - because you do better when you know better. NOW you know better, so do better. Do your research if you need to. But get the sickening, nasty, conspiratorial and demonic chemicals out of your body care, out of your food, and out of your air. You’re not poisoning yourself and your family on purpose, so do what you have to do. If not now, then, when? Once respiratory ailments develop? Cancer?

Namaste & Blessings.

1 comment:

MarnaKelt said...

Note: this article was written by Marna Finney