Friday, December 4, 2009

Put This In Your Mouth and Eat It

I won’t argue that committing to Wholistic Living seems to require adopting a lot of radical views about how we live our daily lives. Being responsible for one’s self does indeed set a standard of expansive thinking, or at the very least, a paradigm-shift in viewpoint concerning the body, the mind, the Earth, our Creator, our sense of identity. We are all connected, but only those who ‘reconnect’ with their roots can see past the illusion of separation and recognize the divinity within each other, within the very breath we breathe and the food we eat. The human body is much, much more susceptible to pollution than is Mother Earth! I want to share with you one favourite quote of mine, an Ancient Eastern Indian spiritual saying: “God Sleeps in Stones, Breathes in Plants, Dreams in Animals, and Awakens in Man”. This a point to which we will all arrive, eventually.

But how? How do we get there? What bridges this great chasm to Wholistic Revelation? Well, some are just born with it, but most of us have to cultivate a relationship with the Living Planet via the most obvious means: food. And not just food as you know it, but food as Super Heroes know it. It really is a matter of Super-Food to the rescue. Yes, if your life is in danger, Super-Food can rescue you.

We, like the planet, can heal ourselves, especially if our minds are clear of blocks, but even more powerfully, when given what we need via perfect and complete nutrition, we become whole again naturally. Cleaning and feeding the body—something one can accomplish using Super-Foods—is absolutely critical in the self-healing process, provided faith in Nature, via a scientific understanding of her gifts, is affirmed. But you want an Experience! So just put Super-Foods into your mouth and eat them. Be prepared for re-connection to your Roots and Spiritual Source. You have just met a very ancient friend and teacher. Namaste & Blessings.

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