A RECIPE to Bless You...
The Feral Goddess’ livin’ lovin’ goji berry macaroon cookie balls
Yes, You can get the kids to eat healthy snacks —thanks to raw Super foods!
What You will need: about two or three cups total of Dry Super-foods (finely shredded, unsweetened coconut, ground dried goji berries, ground cacao beans or nibs, some cacao powder), coconut oil &/or cacao butter, honey &/or agave syrup as your sweetener. Use your imagination on what else you can put in !
The method: A) gently melt over low heat about a half cup coconut oil &/or cacao butter. Mix with your sweetener, including fresh vanilla or spices. Set aside to cool a bit. B) make sure you have Finely Ground the cacao beans & gojis, add some ground nuts or hemp seeds too if you like. C) mix all dry ingredients with the coconut, add a bit of salt or spirulina, maca or some other ‘sneaky’ addition, mixing it all with the cacao powder. Add wet to dry.
do the mixing by hand at least at the end. roll the mixture into balls and chill to harden. DO NOT BAKE!
Note: The Feral Goddess never uses exact measurements. if you find the mixture is moist but it’s not binding, just wait for the oil to cool and try again. If you need to add more oil &/or honey to bind the mixture, it wont’ hurt. You can’t screw up this recipe! Anybody can be a raw super-food gourmet!
You won’t believe how many Superfoods you can get into unsuspecting mouths using this method.
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