Friday, December 4, 2009

December 2009 Feral Goddess Newsletter

The following series of articles were originally published as:

feral goddess newsletter

Nurturing the Boundless Creativity of the Mother

Volume 1, Issue 2

December 2009

Is Chocolate the mother’s gift of bliss?

Once upon a time, Cacao was called the fruit of the Gods. I call it the fruit of the Mother. No other food can reach the human soul quite like chocolate, and the only way I can describe my communion with Cacao is that calm, secure way the Holy Spirit makes us feel. When you are loved from the ground up, you feel a love for life, for nurturing, for being nurtured, for bliss.

Cacao (ka-kow) contains bliss chemicals, such as anandamide (Ananda means Bliss in Sanskrit), phenythylamide and even serotonin. But still, as I recommend with super-foods, you can research the science all you want, but if you aren’t eating real chocolate, you’re missing out on many levels of experiential happiness.

We hope to inspire our readers to access the information available to us from Super-Foods. The foods teach us how to heal ourselves, intuitively, and permanently.

Feral Goddess Newsletter December 2009

Writer & Editor: Marna Finney

Contributing Writer & Editor: Kelt McManus

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See how the Mama Cacao tree wears her babies? This is a human trait, which is demonstrative of a heart to heart connection from Earth to Fruit. From fruit to the best food ever for heart health & heart chakra activation.

Holy Cacao!

by Kelt McManus

Cacao is being heralded as the number one most complete and ideal source of nutrients for humans. Cacao is a totally safe, natural food source that is the base of all chocolate. Do you know why everyone loves chocolate so much? Perhaps it’s because we actually NEED it! Based primarily on what’s in it, as well as clinical evidence and thousands of years of ontological experience worldwide, Cacao is conclusively the world’s best source of nutrients!

See below for more information about Cacao’s healing benefits.

Revolutionary Healing Benefits of Cacao (Ka-Kow)aka Raw Chocolate:

Energy - hundreds of nutrients in cacao, including tyrosine, dopamine, and methylxanthines, work to build, maintain and prolong energy. As well, cacao is the world’s best source of magnesium and iron, critical to enzymatic activation and oxygenating the entire body.

Insomnia - ironically, cacao is just as efficient producing rest and sleep as it is with increasing energy. It’s content of tryptophan, serotonin, niacin, magnesium, valerianic & valeric acids and purple anthocyanin antioxidants makes cacao the most well-rounded natural sleep aid available, whether you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or both.

Magnesium and Chromium deficiency—magnesium is the most deficient mineral in civilization. Chromium is estimated to be the 3rd most deficient mineral in civilization and is expected to replace iron (also extremely high in cacao) as the 2nd most deficient mineral in diets within 10 years. Cacao is the #1 food source of magnesium AND chromium!

Antioxidants - perhaps the most impressive thing about cacao is the fact that it is over 10% antioxidants by weight! This makes cacao easily the strongest, best and most complete food source of antioxidants on the planet.


Start eating CHOCOLATE in the form of raw, certified organic cacao beans, powder and butter. Get your recipes from Marna, through Super Natural Health for the best chocolate ever… made with love at home.


Naked Chocolate (2005)

by David Wolfe, JD and Shazzie

Put This In Your Mouth and Eat It

I won’t argue that committing to Wholistic Living seems to require adopting a lot of radical views about how we live our daily lives. Being responsible for one’s self does indeed set a standard of expansive thinking, or at the very least, a paradigm-shift in viewpoint concerning the body, the mind, the Earth, our Creator, our sense of identity. We are all connected, but only those who ‘reconnect’ with their roots can see past the illusion of separation and recognize the divinity within each other, within the very breath we breathe and the food we eat. The human body is much, much more susceptible to pollution than is Mother Earth! I want to share with you one favourite quote of mine, an Ancient Eastern Indian spiritual saying: “God Sleeps in Stones, Breathes in Plants, Dreams in Animals, and Awakens in Man”. This a point to which we will all arrive, eventually.

But how? How do we get there? What bridges this great chasm to Wholistic Revelation? Well, some are just born with it, but most of us have to cultivate a relationship with the Living Planet via the most obvious means: food. And not just food as you know it, but food as Super Heroes know it. It really is a matter of Super-Food to the rescue. Yes, if your life is in danger, Super-Food can rescue you.

We, like the planet, can heal ourselves, especially if our minds are clear of blocks, but even more powerfully, when given what we need via perfect and complete nutrition, we become whole again naturally. Cleaning and feeding the body—something one can accomplish using Super-Foods—is absolutely critical in the self-healing process, provided faith in Nature, via a scientific understanding of her gifts, is affirmed. But you want an Experience! So just put Super-Foods into your mouth and eat them. Be prepared for re-connection to your Roots and Spiritual Source. You have just met a very ancient friend and teacher. Namaste & Blessings.