Friday, May 27, 2011

My Stars, You've Grown!

i do Dharmic astrological analysis of birth charts and i tend to have a good read on relationship stuff. Dharma is life purpose, your destined path, your karmic anatomy. I can see how people fit together in the big picture given their natal alignments. it helps to know the time one was born, to really get specific about various personality traits and WHY we have them to deal with, although i have had a great amount of success with kinesiological muscle-testing the time of birth or the relevant positions of houses etc.

i have only been at this a few years and although i do most of my work on feelings and hunches (based on the charts), i have helped a few people and their families understand them better. For many teachers, knowing the unique cosmic circumstances of your student's planets would more than enhance the learning experience - especially when the converse could be possible. Any deeper ways we can accept one another is cool by me.

One of my favourite teachers is Paramahansa Yogananda, for more reasons than i can name - sort of why a Christian would love King David or better yet, Yeshua. For me, the spiritual edification is astounding, because these guys are all about holiness, having a personal relationship with God, being authentically devoted. They are so full of Joy and realness, the way we always hoped our teachers would be.

Anyway, Yogananda's guru, Sri Yukteshwar, a wisdom yogi, studied astrology in the tradition of Indian people, which gets pretty intense and if you want to really prove how smart you are you should read his book, "The Holy Science". Yogananda writes of his lessons on astrology in the chapter "Outwitting the Stars" in his book, "Autobiography of a Yogi". He has some profound personal lessons involving karmic astrology, and Yukteshwar has some profound teachings on the subject!

"Superstitious awe of astrology makes one an automaton, slavishly dependent on mechanical guidance. The wise man defeats his planets - which is to say, his past - by transferring his allegiance from the creation to the Creator. The more he realizes his unity with Spirit, the less he can be dominated by matter. The soul is ever free; it is deathless because birthless. It cannot be regimented by stars."

I agree whole heartedly that it should not matter - mind over matter. But knowing - becoming aware - is important at first when beginning a devotional path of wholeness / holiness. I like knowing what karmic patterns need to be cleared, because they CAN be cleared! Salvation is free!

Awareness of our Divine Source is refining:

"Seeds of past karma cannot germinate if they are roasted in the fires of divine wisdom." (Yogananda)

I know, the purpose of all this is to be a super-conductor of God's loving light... so at some point we must surrender it all, knowing that we are ultimately destined to do so. So why suffer it? Why not just overcome it?

"The deeper the Self-realization of a man, the more he influences the whole universe by his subtle spiritual vibrations, and the less he himself is affected by the phenomenal flux." (Yukteshwar)

Knowing yourself means more easily forgiving yourself. I have spent more than sufficient time studying my own planets, and now, if i find myself having "issues" i can usually pinpoint why / what it is i'm looking at within the big picture.

I believe we choose the exact moment of our birth, or rather, karma chooses it for us. I had chosen to sit in my young mother's belly "upside-down and backwards" and i had refused to budge for two months. Did this mean that my energy was aiming for a particular birth situation?

So, Cosmically speaking, i am Cancer cusping Leo, with a Libra Moon, Libra Ascendant, Mercury in Leo; Mars, Venus & Jupiter are ALL in Gemini, Saturn in Leo, Uranus Scorpio; Neptune Sagittarius Pluto in Libra; July 21, 1977 at 12:06 noon in Weyburn CANADA if you have Astrological propensities.

The Cusp for me is meaningful because i have a lot of "dualities" or "balancing energies" (the latter being how i prefer to look at it!) The Cancer-Leo cusp is all about the home, being creative, being dedicated to work-at-home. I always wanted a family, i always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. My home and my family are the center of my world. Water and Fire make steam so i'm a bit of a boiled kettle squealing sometimes.

My moon is in Libra - this is an air sign, with Venutian beauty and fairness and equality (or inequality) triggering my emotions... I am a romantic, through and through. With Libra also as my rising sign, i tend to not be able to hide this side of me. Ideal is what i want in my emotional body, so ideal is what i seek as i go out into the world. Air is often easy-going and refreshing, but can be capable of being pushy, or shaking your shutters.

My Mercury in Leo reinforces my VOICE - my message - and my need for my message to be uniquely mine. Leo is an ambitious show-off. My father is also a Leo. This FIRE sign gives my purpose of communication a lot of passion. Mercury is the messenger, and in the tenth house, i am best pegged as a writer because i am willing to devote my life to my cause, and to adapt to whatever life presents me with as i develop my roots. I have NO Earth signs in my chart but my sun, my Mercury and my Saturn are all in the tenth house, which indicates i am grounded when it comes to what i offer the world via communication and dedicated service.

For brevity's sake, i will summarize the three planets in Gemini (an air sign) as the continuance of the complimentary / balancing energies (though, there have been years where i was sure i was two people). Mars, Venus and Jupiter are path-related but in a nutshell we're talking about practical and romantic relationships, and career. Let's leave my first marriage out of this and say that I required romantic love with effective communication. I am supposed to have a career related to communications. I have a message. Backed by steam. Blown by a mighty wind. does the phrase, "full of hot air" come to mind? it should. but that's my concern, not yours!

If i can just say one thing about astrology, it's that i'm not interested in predicting the future or blaming the stars for anything. I'm all about discovering that which is already within us. this is just another way to do that. but unless we can use those discoveries for evolution, what is the point? not sure there is ever a point apart from evolution...

"Man is a soul, and has a body. When he properly places his sense of identity, he leaves behind all compulsive patterns. So long as he remains confused in his ordinary state of spiritual amnesia, he will know the subtle fetters of environmental law."

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