Thursday, August 18, 2011


I created the artwork above - this is the Crown Chakra representation, "Sahasrara". the OM in the middle is a symbol for the Creation of the Universe. Use this sound in your meditation to enhance your prayers (which, in my advice, involves a LOT more listening and much less talking!)

The following stuff is from facebook originally, hence the format!

Made Indian food tonight for supper. Artan had seconds! Guess i didn't overdo it on the spice this time. When i read Artan a book about the Hindu faith, i think he figured out that his parents are not hippies, we're a couple of Hindus. I did not realize myself just how much i resonate with Hinduism, but how can i not? Living in devotional service to One God, to love all of Creation reverently, to meditate, to not eat meat! Kelt is destined to become a Sadhu, I a Midwife. NAMASTE

Jo Anderson and Marna Fahrney like this.

Jo Anderson:

I thought Hindus believe in many Gods?

Marna McManus:

Most people do think that. being raised christian, we were taught that we are separate from God and that there is only the one God who takes three forms (father, son & holy spirit) and that's it. yet the Hebrews prayed to the ONE God (Echad..., the Hebrew plural originally used in Genesis) using various personality aspects of God's many virtues (ie. Jehovah Jirah, Jehovah Nissi) each for different reasons, but all were still the one God.

Krishna (aka God) manifests in many different forms as well, with each personality being so distinct that many people believe that 'many gods' means not just One God. i don't know, is this called pantheism? If so, i can also be accused of being one of those. I have had too many wholistic revelations and moments of clarity in this lifetime, not to mention past life memories, to be able to say that the Christian doctrines are spiritually sound. in fact, it is more likely that the doctrines / interpretations (not the actual scriptures, in some cases of course) are satanic in origin because they seek to separate Mankind from the realization of unity with ALL THAT IS. if you were taught from a young age that you were you but you were also one with everything, and that you were sacred as was the very ground you walked upon, would you seek to dominate or would you revel in the glory of the perfection of your Divine Creator?

The Vedas have explained so much more about what i have experienced. We are all One. We are the God-Us. Some aspects of God have incarnated with much, much more power and awareness, others manifest as wounded versions with no power at all. I do not believe there is any separation between us nor is there between God and Man. This is a hugely Hindu belief. We see others as reflections of Divinity, we are all teachers and we are all students. one of my favourite Hindu quotes (which i learned from David Wolfe) is

"God Sleeps in Stone, Breathes in Plants, Dreams in Animals and Awakens in Man" ...

this is the most powerful thing i've found thus far. and it has been confirmed in my experience many times. I must say, Hinduism's guru system is where i make my departure as a westerner. i believe Jesus (whom i always usually refer to as Yeshua but my son is going to catholic school in a few weeks lol) was indeed manifest from a devotional group of people as a means of liberation from the DOCTRINES of sin and death (not the actuality of them but the perception of them) and i do believe He is a guru to potentially all of humanity, but i do not believe you have to say a magical prayer and you're instantly saved from your karma. salvation is a process of daily surrender. karma is necessary but you can also clear it through a devotional path of peace and surrender.

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