Sunday, May 22, 2011

On the End of the World...

the following are some facebook status updates from the past two days i just wanted to share, as i'm going to start doing more and more... why spend the time writing it there when i can make double use of my ideas?

Everybody was talking about the world ending yesterday... like apparently a lot of people believed the Rapture was happening... This inspired the following realization i had about believing the Rapture was happening 18 years ago...

"in 1993 i was told by a religious teacher of mine that Jesus was coming back in October of that year. Not long after, i totally gave up my V-card to my serious boyfriend, because hey, not only would Jesus forgive me, but i wasn't ready to call heaven home. i was 16 and felt like Jesus was ripping me off by coming back before i could do it!"

Then i thought I'd contribute a commentary among the many posts of videos from youtube including "Until the End of the World" by U2:

"well if the world did end, that would explain why my yard looks so heavenly today... unless it was just the rain... "

the extremely rainy day ended up not taking us all to heaven and igniting the great tribulation, which reminded me of all the times Kelt and I have discussed the last book of the Bible, Revelation, which was canonized by the Council of Nicea primarily because of its final lines that say something along the lines of 'nobody is allowed to add to or take away from this Word...' ... thus igniting a two-thousand year tribulation because of the NON-necessity of this lowly-calibrating rambling. Anyway, i only get 420 characters to write a facebook status, so here is how my thought formed itself within those confines:

"By the time John wrote Revelation he was a geriatric schizophrenic. It is highly unholy and inappropriate to predict future events. It is inappropriate to say, "this is our future", because it denies the God-Us given responsibility to co-create our reality. It turns a Master's words into a religious demise of a dangerously dogmatic & disempowering agenda. Jesus, I know you didn't Verily say unto us to do that."

No, Yeshua certainly did not intend for a religion at all. He wanted us to see our inherent unity and that religions were oppressing people and enforcing the illusion of separateness between man and God; one human and the other.

John, when he wrote the Gospel of John, was at his spiritual peak, because he had just spent three years in the presence of the Master of holy living, whom he also recognized (as do i) as an incarnation of the Torah, a manifestation of Hebrew dogma for the purpose of freeing the Hebrew people from their self-created illusions and trappings of sin/punishment, guilt/atonement, separation/sacrifice ... He had to come because first of all, words are powerful, and when that many people praise those words (five books of mostly rules) with reverence and kiss it and pray for its manifestation, you're going to get a manifestation. This is why satanism is so nifty. I believe that Judaism is no different. The result of hoping for an embodiment of the Creator, however, will get you some pretty awesome spiritual upgrades for all of humanity. So, Yeshua just wanted to give us upgrades, and undo an entire religion - NOT create a new one.

The world will go on. The Christ frequency is with us, because of Jesus being here and using his frequency to give the world an upgrade, not so much because of his death - though, it would not have been any other way, because it was written that his death was how the duality-perceivers could forgive themselves and allow for their own journey to salvation. again, all perception. Blood may have been destined to be shed, but God was not going to waste an opportunity to FIRST FOR THE JEWS allow for shackles to be broken on all fronts.

The more time you spend with Yeshua the more privy you are to the true reality, of oneness. I once heard someone say, "We are all God learning about God" and now i use the terminology "God-Us" because i have spent my lifetime in a field of spiritual growth, seeking God and finding ALL-That-Is, I AM THAT.

I'm not trying to be controversial, but people need to wake up and realize their responsibility as co-creators. The world doesn't need more followers. it needs more leaders.

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