Thursday, August 18, 2011
I created the artwork above - this is the Crown Chakra representation, "Sahasrara". the OM in the middle is a symbol for the Creation of the Universe. Use this sound in your meditation to enhance your prayers (which, in my advice, involves a LOT more listening and much less talking!)
The following stuff is from facebook originally, hence the format!
Made Indian food tonight for supper. Artan had seconds! Guess i didn't overdo it on the spice this time. When i read Artan a book about the Hindu faith, i think he figured out that his parents are not hippies, we're a couple of Hindus. I did not realize myself just how much i resonate with Hinduism, but how can i not? Living in devotional service to One God, to love all of Creation reverently, to meditate, to not eat meat! Kelt is destined to become a Sadhu, I a Midwife. NAMASTE
Jo Anderson and Marna Fahrney like this.
Jo Anderson:
I thought Hindus believe in many Gods?
Marna McManus:
Most people do think that. being raised christian, we were taught that we are separate from God and that there is only the one God who takes three forms (father, son & holy spirit) and that's it. yet the Hebrews prayed to the ONE God (Echad..., the Hebrew plural originally used in Genesis) using various personality aspects of God's many virtues (ie. Jehovah Jirah, Jehovah Nissi) each for different reasons, but all were still the one God.
Krishna (aka God) manifests in many different forms as well, with each personality being so distinct that many people believe that 'many gods' means not just One God. i don't know, is this called pantheism? If so, i can also be accused of being one of those. I have had too many wholistic revelations and moments of clarity in this lifetime, not to mention past life memories, to be able to say that the Christian doctrines are spiritually sound. in fact, it is more likely that the doctrines / interpretations (not the actual scriptures, in some cases of course) are satanic in origin because they seek to separate Mankind from the realization of unity with ALL THAT IS. if you were taught from a young age that you were you but you were also one with everything, and that you were sacred as was the very ground you walked upon, would you seek to dominate or would you revel in the glory of the perfection of your Divine Creator?
The Vedas have explained so much more about what i have experienced. We are all One. We are the God-Us. Some aspects of God have incarnated with much, much more power and awareness, others manifest as wounded versions with no power at all. I do not believe there is any separation between us nor is there between God and Man. This is a hugely Hindu belief. We see others as reflections of Divinity, we are all teachers and we are all students. one of my favourite Hindu quotes (which i learned from David Wolfe) is
"God Sleeps in Stone, Breathes in Plants, Dreams in Animals and Awakens in Man" ...
this is the most powerful thing i've found thus far. and it has been confirmed in my experience many times. I must say, Hinduism's guru system is where i make my departure as a westerner. i believe Jesus (whom i always usually refer to as Yeshua but my son is going to catholic school in a few weeks lol) was indeed manifest from a devotional group of people as a means of liberation from the DOCTRINES of sin and death (not the actuality of them but the perception of them) and i do believe He is a guru to potentially all of humanity, but i do not believe you have to say a magical prayer and you're instantly saved from your karma. salvation is a process of daily surrender. karma is necessary but you can also clear it through a devotional path of peace and surrender.
Friday, May 27, 2011
My Stars, You've Grown!
i do Dharmic astrological analysis of birth charts and i tend to have a good read on relationship stuff. Dharma is life purpose, your destined path, your karmic anatomy. I can see how people fit together in the big picture given their natal alignments. it helps to know the time one was born, to really get specific about various personality traits and WHY we have them to deal with, although i have had a great amount of success with kinesiological muscle-testing the time of birth or the relevant positions of houses etc.
i have only been at this a few years and although i do most of my work on feelings and hunches (based on the charts), i have helped a few people and their families understand them better. For many teachers, knowing the unique cosmic circumstances of your student's planets would more than enhance the learning experience - especially when the converse could be possible. Any deeper ways we can accept one another is cool by me.
One of my favourite teachers is Paramahansa Yogananda, for more reasons than i can name - sort of why a Christian would love King David or better yet, Yeshua. For me, the spiritual edification is astounding, because these guys are all about holiness, having a personal relationship with God, being authentically devoted. They are so full of Joy and realness, the way we always hoped our teachers would be.
Anyway, Yogananda's guru, Sri Yukteshwar, a wisdom yogi, studied astrology in the tradition of Indian people, which gets pretty intense and if you want to really prove how smart you are you should read his book, "The Holy Science". Yogananda writes of his lessons on astrology in the chapter "Outwitting the Stars" in his book, "Autobiography of a Yogi". He has some profound personal lessons involving karmic astrology, and Yukteshwar has some profound teachings on the subject!
"Superstitious awe of astrology makes one an automaton, slavishly dependent on mechanical guidance. The wise man defeats his planets - which is to say, his past - by transferring his allegiance from the creation to the Creator. The more he realizes his unity with Spirit, the less he can be dominated by matter. The soul is ever free; it is deathless because birthless. It cannot be regimented by stars." (Yukteshwar)
I agree whole heartedly that it should not matter - mind over matter. But knowing - becoming aware - is important at first when beginning a devotional path of wholeness / holiness. I like knowing what karmic patterns need to be cleared, because they CAN be cleared! Salvation is free!
Awareness of our Divine Source is refining:
"Seeds of past karma cannot germinate if they are roasted in the fires of divine wisdom." (Yogananda)
I know, the purpose of all this is to be a super-conductor of God's loving light... so at some point we must surrender it all, knowing that we are ultimately destined to do so. So why suffer it? Why not just overcome it?
"The deeper the Self-realization of a man, the more he influences the whole universe by his subtle spiritual vibrations, and the less he himself is affected by the phenomenal flux." (Yukteshwar)
Knowing yourself means more easily forgiving yourself. I have spent more than sufficient time studying my own planets, and now, if i find myself having "issues" i can usually pinpoint why / what it is i'm looking at within the big picture.
I believe we choose the exact moment of our birth, or rather, karma chooses it for us. I had chosen to sit in my young mother's belly "upside-down and backwards" and i had refused to budge for two months. Did this mean that my energy was aiming for a particular birth situation?
So, Cosmically speaking, i am Cancer cusping Leo, with a Libra Moon, Libra Ascendant, Mercury in Leo; Mars, Venus & Jupiter are ALL in Gemini, Saturn in Leo, Uranus Scorpio; Neptune Sagittarius Pluto in Libra; July 21, 1977 at 12:06 noon in Weyburn CANADA if you have Astrological propensities.
The Cusp for me is meaningful because i have a lot of "dualities" or "balancing energies" (the latter being how i prefer to look at it!) The Cancer-Leo cusp is all about the home, being creative, being dedicated to work-at-home. I always wanted a family, i always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. My home and my family are the center of my world. Water and Fire make steam so i'm a bit of a boiled kettle squealing sometimes.
My moon is in Libra - this is an air sign, with Venutian beauty and fairness and equality (or inequality) triggering my emotions... I am a romantic, through and through. With Libra also as my rising sign, i tend to not be able to hide this side of me. Ideal is what i want in my emotional body, so ideal is what i seek as i go out into the world. Air is often easy-going and refreshing, but can be capable of being pushy, or shaking your shutters.
My Mercury in Leo reinforces my VOICE - my message - and my need for my message to be uniquely mine. Leo is an ambitious show-off. My father is also a Leo. This FIRE sign gives my purpose of communication a lot of passion. Mercury is the messenger, and in the tenth house, i am best pegged as a writer because i am willing to devote my life to my cause, and to adapt to whatever life presents me with as i develop my roots. I have NO Earth signs in my chart but my sun, my Mercury and my Saturn are all in the tenth house, which indicates i am grounded when it comes to what i offer the world via communication and dedicated service.
For brevity's sake, i will summarize the three planets in Gemini (an air sign) as the continuance of the complimentary / balancing energies (though, there have been years where i was sure i was two people). Mars, Venus and Jupiter are path-related but in a nutshell we're talking about practical and romantic relationships, and career. Let's leave my first marriage out of this and say that I required romantic love with effective communication. I am supposed to have a career related to communications. I have a message. Backed by steam. Blown by a mighty wind. does the phrase, "full of hot air" come to mind? it should. but that's my concern, not yours!
If i can just say one thing about astrology, it's that i'm not interested in predicting the future or blaming the stars for anything. I'm all about discovering that which is already within us. this is just another way to do that. but unless we can use those discoveries for evolution, what is the point? not sure there is ever a point apart from evolution...
"Man is a soul, and has a body. When he properly places his sense of identity, he leaves behind all compulsive patterns. So long as he remains confused in his ordinary state of spiritual amnesia, he will know the subtle fetters of environmental law."
Sunday, May 22, 2011
On the End of the World...
the following are some facebook status updates from the past two days i just wanted to share, as i'm going to start doing more and more... why spend the time writing it there when i can make double use of my ideas?
Everybody was talking about the world ending yesterday... like apparently a lot of people believed the Rapture was happening... This inspired the following realization i had about believing the Rapture was happening 18 years ago...
"in 1993 i was told by a religious teacher of mine that Jesus was coming back in October of that year. Not long after, i totally gave up my V-card to my serious boyfriend, because hey, not only would Jesus forgive me, but i wasn't ready to call heaven home. i was 16 and felt like Jesus was ripping me off by coming back before i could do it!"
Then i thought I'd contribute a commentary among the many posts of videos from youtube including "Until the End of the World" by U2:
"well if the world did end, that would explain why my yard looks so heavenly today... unless it was just the rain... "
the extremely rainy day ended up not taking us all to heaven and igniting the great tribulation, which reminded me of all the times Kelt and I have discussed the last book of the Bible, Revelation, which was canonized by the Council of Nicea primarily because of its final lines that say something along the lines of 'nobody is allowed to add to or take away from this Word...' ... thus igniting a two-thousand year tribulation because of the NON-necessity of this lowly-calibrating rambling. Anyway, i only get 420 characters to write a facebook status, so here is how my thought formed itself within those confines:
"By the time John wrote Revelation he was a geriatric schizophrenic. It is highly unholy and inappropriate to predict future events. It is inappropriate to say, "this is our future", because it denies the God-Us given responsibility to co-create our reality. It turns a Master's words into a religious demise of a dangerously dogmatic & disempowering agenda. Jesus, I know you didn't Verily say unto us to do that."
No, Yeshua certainly did not intend for a religion at all. He wanted us to see our inherent unity and that religions were oppressing people and enforcing the illusion of separateness between man and God; one human and the other.
John, when he wrote the Gospel of John, was at his spiritual peak, because he had just spent three years in the presence of the Master of holy living, whom he also recognized (as do i) as an incarnation of the Torah, a manifestation of Hebrew dogma for the purpose of freeing the Hebrew people from their self-created illusions and trappings of sin/punishment, guilt/atonement, separation/sacrifice ... He had to come because first of all, words are powerful, and when that many people praise those words (five books of mostly rules) with reverence and kiss it and pray for its manifestation, you're going to get a manifestation. This is why satanism is so nifty. I believe that Judaism is no different. The result of hoping for an embodiment of the Creator, however, will get you some pretty awesome spiritual upgrades for all of humanity. So, Yeshua just wanted to give us upgrades, and undo an entire religion - NOT create a new one.
The world will go on. The Christ frequency is with us, because of Jesus being here and using his frequency to give the world an upgrade, not so much because of his death - though, it would not have been any other way, because it was written that his death was how the duality-perceivers could forgive themselves and allow for their own journey to salvation. again, all perception. Blood may have been destined to be shed, but God was not going to waste an opportunity to FIRST FOR THE JEWS allow for shackles to be broken on all fronts.
The more time you spend with Yeshua the more privy you are to the true reality, of oneness. I once heard someone say, "We are all God learning about God" and now i use the terminology "God-Us" because i have spent my lifetime in a field of spiritual growth, seeking God and finding ALL-That-Is, I AM THAT.
I'm not trying to be controversial, but people need to wake up and realize their responsibility as co-creators. The world doesn't need more followers. it needs more leaders.
Everybody was talking about the world ending yesterday... like apparently a lot of people believed the Rapture was happening... This inspired the following realization i had about believing the Rapture was happening 18 years ago...
"in 1993 i was told by a religious teacher of mine that Jesus was coming back in October of that year. Not long after, i totally gave up my V-card to my serious boyfriend, because hey, not only would Jesus forgive me, but i wasn't ready to call heaven home. i was 16 and felt like Jesus was ripping me off by coming back before i could do it!"
Then i thought I'd contribute a commentary among the many posts of videos from youtube including "Until the End of the World" by U2:
"well if the world did end, that would explain why my yard looks so heavenly today... unless it was just the rain... "
the extremely rainy day ended up not taking us all to heaven and igniting the great tribulation, which reminded me of all the times Kelt and I have discussed the last book of the Bible, Revelation, which was canonized by the Council of Nicea primarily because of its final lines that say something along the lines of 'nobody is allowed to add to or take away from this Word...' ... thus igniting a two-thousand year tribulation because of the NON-necessity of this lowly-calibrating rambling. Anyway, i only get 420 characters to write a facebook status, so here is how my thought formed itself within those confines:
"By the time John wrote Revelation he was a geriatric schizophrenic. It is highly unholy and inappropriate to predict future events. It is inappropriate to say, "this is our future", because it denies the God-Us given responsibility to co-create our reality. It turns a Master's words into a religious demise of a dangerously dogmatic & disempowering agenda. Jesus, I know you didn't Verily say unto us to do that."
No, Yeshua certainly did not intend for a religion at all. He wanted us to see our inherent unity and that religions were oppressing people and enforcing the illusion of separateness between man and God; one human and the other.
John, when he wrote the Gospel of John, was at his spiritual peak, because he had just spent three years in the presence of the Master of holy living, whom he also recognized (as do i) as an incarnation of the Torah, a manifestation of Hebrew dogma for the purpose of freeing the Hebrew people from their self-created illusions and trappings of sin/punishment, guilt/atonement, separation/sacrifice ... He had to come because first of all, words are powerful, and when that many people praise those words (five books of mostly rules) with reverence and kiss it and pray for its manifestation, you're going to get a manifestation. This is why satanism is so nifty. I believe that Judaism is no different. The result of hoping for an embodiment of the Creator, however, will get you some pretty awesome spiritual upgrades for all of humanity. So, Yeshua just wanted to give us upgrades, and undo an entire religion - NOT create a new one.
The world will go on. The Christ frequency is with us, because of Jesus being here and using his frequency to give the world an upgrade, not so much because of his death - though, it would not have been any other way, because it was written that his death was how the duality-perceivers could forgive themselves and allow for their own journey to salvation. again, all perception. Blood may have been destined to be shed, but God was not going to waste an opportunity to FIRST FOR THE JEWS allow for shackles to be broken on all fronts.
The more time you spend with Yeshua the more privy you are to the true reality, of oneness. I once heard someone say, "We are all God learning about God" and now i use the terminology "God-Us" because i have spent my lifetime in a field of spiritual growth, seeking God and finding ALL-That-Is, I AM THAT.
I'm not trying to be controversial, but people need to wake up and realize their responsibility as co-creators. The world doesn't need more followers. it needs more leaders.
Regarding Teacher Pay...
A friend of mine posted that she'd been debating with a woman whose stance is that the teachers are government employees and they should therefore submit and take what they get, do as they're told... ugh. i appreciate my friend Kathy's feist, so i read the entire thread (something i rarely do) on facebook and i contributed the following:
if the government (govern=control; ment=mind) is supposed to be representing the people, shouldn't the greater good always be the ultimate goal of establishing educational institutions? democracy and inter-dependence are high integrity and must also be a process of constant negotiation. if we continue to hand over our power to portended "authorities" then we won't actually ever realize freedom.
Educators are also always learning, and we as humans always come up with improvements to facilitate our evolution.
Educators deserve reverence because they innovate and co-create with children.
CHILDREN are not only the future, but their innocent perception is critical for our advancement as a species.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
the Dandelion Seeds
We the Lay People
unfettered by memetic standards
create the real world
we paradoxes of empowerment
speak in wild terms
use unconventional methods
master our personal value
thru experiential now
This the Lay Woman
became 'that' way because
i am Self-directed.
i do not appreciate prescription
for career, school, culture
for the inside of a box
becoming another compartment
for the ways one should be
Within Our Lay Family
burns a passion unextinguished
for our path, lessons, co-creation
We see ourselves as Evolution
Naturally progressing toward I AM
being human, feeling our way
Becoming vessels of wholeness,
for all the ways To Be
Friday, April 8, 2011
Feral Goddess has a Business License
How do I contribute to my community, serving in love, for all practical intents and purposes, and still earn a living relative to my duties as a homemaker, but actually replacing the income our household has grown accustomed to by my cleaning homes and offices?
Feral Goddess – Nurturing Creativity
When i came up with the name Feral Goddess just three years ago, I was trying to find my super hero name, and I felt like a sort of domestic goddess in all her glory, with what i had created since being on the super foods.
“Super Foods make Super Heroes” sayeth David Wolfe, and I totally agreed.
I felt like I was rising to my destiny to be this protector of innocence and purveyor of honest, down-to-earth ways to nurture ourselves, our children, our relationships with each other and with the God-Us.
I wanted to convey my unwillingness to cater to the conventional ideas. I wanted to show my unique expression via always choosing creative ways of doing the smaller things, like daily projects and the big-picture things, like how to co-create the family life / career you want. I want to provoke people to thinking critically about all aspects of what they have been taught by other people, and to start listening to the still, small Voice within.
"There is a voice that does not use words. Listen." (Rumi)
I know people need me in this town because I don’t find people like me very often. I hug them when I meet them, if I do meet them. I want to find more people like me – people interested in the things I am interested in, whether they know it yet or are just curious - and since I like to talk and teach, I can pass on the experience and resources I have accumulated throughout my extended youth.
I have come to realize that my journey is about creative nurturing, but that I have been afraid to command the public to consider giving more priority to self-nurturing, self-love, and co-creative relationships. I have not been bold about insisting that it is okay to give yourself what you need, when you need it; to want to be wildly in love with life, with your children, with your mate, with your calling. It’s okay to create boundaries, as love helps us outgrow those boundaries when we are ready. It’s okay to need cave time – we all thrive on cave time because this is when we can steal away to our prayer closets and be rejuvenated. We may not always have tools, though. So that’s where I come in. I will tell you that you can be selfish with your time – for a time – and I will teach you ways to use that time to EVOLVE who you are, nurturing the whole body – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. We just need to make different choices – both big and small-picture – with courage, confidence and conviction.
So I will make the contacts I need to make; talk to whom I am serendipitously juxtaposed, and just keep praying in my silent, trusting way… I am doing what I love for free, and I will continue to do so, because when the right idea lands in my head I will act on it and I will rock that with face-melters and everything.
Feral Goddess – Nurturing Creativity
When i came up with the name Feral Goddess just three years ago, I was trying to find my super hero name, and I felt like a sort of domestic goddess in all her glory, with what i had created since being on the super foods.
“Super Foods make Super Heroes” sayeth David Wolfe, and I totally agreed.
I felt like I was rising to my destiny to be this protector of innocence and purveyor of honest, down-to-earth ways to nurture ourselves, our children, our relationships with each other and with the God-Us.
I wanted to convey my unwillingness to cater to the conventional ideas. I wanted to show my unique expression via always choosing creative ways of doing the smaller things, like daily projects and the big-picture things, like how to co-create the family life / career you want. I want to provoke people to thinking critically about all aspects of what they have been taught by other people, and to start listening to the still, small Voice within.
"There is a voice that does not use words. Listen." (Rumi)
I know people need me in this town because I don’t find people like me very often. I hug them when I meet them, if I do meet them. I want to find more people like me – people interested in the things I am interested in, whether they know it yet or are just curious - and since I like to talk and teach, I can pass on the experience and resources I have accumulated throughout my extended youth.
I have come to realize that my journey is about creative nurturing, but that I have been afraid to command the public to consider giving more priority to self-nurturing, self-love, and co-creative relationships. I have not been bold about insisting that it is okay to give yourself what you need, when you need it; to want to be wildly in love with life, with your children, with your mate, with your calling. It’s okay to create boundaries, as love helps us outgrow those boundaries when we are ready. It’s okay to need cave time – we all thrive on cave time because this is when we can steal away to our prayer closets and be rejuvenated. We may not always have tools, though. So that’s where I come in. I will tell you that you can be selfish with your time – for a time – and I will teach you ways to use that time to EVOLVE who you are, nurturing the whole body – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. We just need to make different choices – both big and small-picture – with courage, confidence and conviction.
So I will make the contacts I need to make; talk to whom I am serendipitously juxtaposed, and just keep praying in my silent, trusting way… I am doing what I love for free, and I will continue to do so, because when the right idea lands in my head I will act on it and I will rock that with face-melters and everything.
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