Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"they put the mind-control aids right in there..."

A New Name for High-Fructose Corn Syrup -
Corn refiners are asking the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to change the name of high-fructose corn syrup, using the term "corn sugar" instead, in hopes of clearing up consumer confusion about the product.

NOW do you believe me that it's more important to deceive the public than to not continue profiting by selling toxic substances as foods? If you didn't know, High-Fructose Corn Syrup is extremely nasty, yet it's used in any brand-packaged sweet thing including pop. Save your DNA & Stop using HFCS!

“I’m not eager to help the corn refiners sell more of their stuff,” Dr. Nestle wrote in an e-mail. “But you have to feel sorry for them. High-fructose corn syrup is the new trans fat. Everyone thinks it’s poison, and food companies are rid of it as fast as they can.”

Everybody THINKS it's poison? Everybody KNOWS! Changing its name will only fool those who want to be poisoned, those who still eat trans fats in spite of all the awareness about fats that kill. HFCS is a sugar that kills!

There are alternatives to addictive drugs like HFCS, Aspartame (which has changed its name a few times too!) and Hydrogenated vegetable oil and propylene glycol and soy and canola oils.

Here are some ideas for ways to protect yourself from mass-marketed killers:

Don't buy boxes of foods unless you can pronounce and picture every ingredient!

don't buy salad dressing in the store unless you can lay eyes upon the person who made it!

Stop buying canola oil ... just, look into it if you must, but stop it. for the sake of the future generations. the healthier oils are worth any extra expense.

COOK ONLY WITH COCONUT OIL OR BUTTER. do not heat olive oil or sunflower oil or hemp oil

Only use soy beans if they are sprouted (eat just the sprout not the bean) and/or fermented (ie tofu, miso). that means avoid all soy unless it has been rendered digestible. ALL other forms are completely impossible to digest. all beans and grains should be soaked/sprouted even if you're going to cook them. in fact, corn is quite difficult to assimilate by most people who are not of aboriginal descent.

if you must have pop buy the kinds made with ONLY either cane sugar (organic natural cane sugar brands include Reed's, Real Brew, Virgil's - i used to work in a grocery store so i know there are even more brands) OR apple juice and grape juice as sweeteners.

Stevia is another safe option, as is coconut sugar, but good luck finding mass marketing for products with such a low profit margin.

if you want to know more you need to research and empower yourself so that you can keep your genetic material safe and feel good today

Look forward to our book "Conscious Evolution: Choices for Co-Creating an Empowered Legacy" for information like this and beyond! Let's go down the rabbit hole, folks!


Jasmine said...

This is great Marna! Though I had never heard NOT to heat olive oil. What's that about?

MarnaKelt said...

sorry to have not replied sooner Jasmine... it has to do with the type of fat - a great resource is Dr Udo Erasmus author of "Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill"