Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mama Be

i wrote this in 2008

Be in this moment.
Be aware of your connection
to Mother
Mama you can do it
Mama you are doing it
Mama you are
Mama you are

So Be
Mama, just be
Be the River
Be the Life Giver
You are already
the Mama
So Be, just be
Mama, Be.
Be Who You Are.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I am grateful
for wisdom
and for grace

I am only ever
seeking the Holy Face

Even when I don't know I am
I am

Even when I can't feel I AM
I am

When we think we're on the other end of love
we must remember...

To be grateful for lessons
Blessings and Grace

To know we are face to face

Even when I don't know I am

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"they put the mind-control aids right in there..."


A New Name for High-Fructose Corn Syrup - NYTimes.com
Corn refiners are asking the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to change the name of high-fructose corn syrup, using the term "corn sugar" instead, in hopes of clearing up consumer confusion about the product.

NOW do you believe me that it's more important to deceive the public than to not continue profiting by selling toxic substances as foods? If you didn't know, High-Fructose Corn Syrup is extremely nasty, yet it's used in any brand-packaged sweet thing including pop. Save your DNA & Stop using HFCS!

“I’m not eager to help the corn refiners sell more of their stuff,” Dr. Nestle wrote in an e-mail. “But you have to feel sorry for them. High-fructose corn syrup is the new trans fat. Everyone thinks it’s poison, and food companies are gett...ing rid of it as fast as they can.”

Everybody THINKS it's poison? Everybody KNOWS! Changing its name will only fool those who want to be poisoned, those who still eat trans fats in spite of all the awareness about fats that kill. HFCS is a sugar that kills!

There are alternatives to addictive drugs like HFCS, Aspartame (which has changed its name a few times too!) and Hydrogenated vegetable oil and propylene glycol and soy and canola oils.

Here are some ideas for ways to protect yourself from mass-marketed killers:

Don't buy boxes of foods unless you can pronounce and picture every ingredient!

don't buy salad dressing in the store unless you can lay eyes upon the person who made it!

Stop buying canola oil ... just, look into it if you must, but stop it. for the sake of the future generations. the healthier oils are worth any extra expense.

COOK ONLY WITH COCONUT OIL OR BUTTER. do not heat olive oil or sunflower oil or hemp oil

Only use soy beans if they are sprouted (eat just the sprout not the bean) and/or fermented (ie tofu, miso). that means avoid all soy unless it has been rendered digestible. ALL other forms are completely impossible to digest. all beans and grains should be soaked/sprouted even if you're going to cook them. in fact, corn is quite difficult to assimilate by most people who are not of aboriginal descent.

if you must have pop buy the kinds made with ONLY either cane sugar (organic natural cane sugar brands include Reed's, Real Brew, Virgil's - i used to work in a grocery store so i know there are even more brands) OR apple juice and grape juice as sweeteners.

Stevia is another safe option, as is coconut sugar, but good luck finding mass marketing for products with such a low profit margin.

if you want to know more you need to research and empower yourself so that you can keep your genetic material safe and feel good today

Look forward to our book "Conscious Evolution: Choices for Co-Creating an Empowered Legacy" for information like this and beyond! Let's go down the rabbit hole, folks!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Why I Love Good TV & Movies

there's something about Buffy the Vampire Slayer that speaks to the primal defender within me. the show, if you haven't seen it, is one of my top five best-ever faves of all time, of any dvd i would recommend. there are seven seasons and it just gets better. it satisfies the archetypal warrior hero story line while inspiring every person to find their inner super hero. Joss Whedon is, after all, a female empowerment advocate, as well as a creative genius.

while watching the season premiere of Buffy 7 today, simultaneously cuddling my 10-year-old furry purring beast Ruby, I had a realization about why i love the experience of watching television (or dvds in most cases). it feels like when you're in heaven and you can review any lifetime you desire to review, and build more (vicariously yet not) on your own lifetimes of lessons. we get to share in experiences that empower, encourage and teach us all, because when it really comes down to it we are all here doing those things precisely. our salvation happens when we realize our role in a real-life archetypal battle for the power of our minds and the deeds of our bodies.

the need for the hero archetype has never been more prevalent than it has in the past fifty years, once our souls struck through to our minds just how much we need to be rescued from technocracy, from drugs and science and degeneration. to me, the symbolism of a blood-sucking demon is about as good as it gets. Bram Stoker might have been talking about the blood-sucking English, but i liken the metaphor to the illuminati, who are represented in our daily lives as energy vampires, those too weak to know any better because they have been repeated pawns in a larger plan for downregulation of human genetic code, and of course they are walking programmed robots for illuminati mind-controlling interests. this is all made possible by good ol' corporate greed and handy dandy marketing propaganda a plenty.

Buffy busts out the molds for heroism. she reminds me of what is possible if we allow ourselves to believe in magic; to not stand by and watch another apocalypse take out those we love. But beyond Buffy and heroic symbolism, well-made tv shows and movies speak to all of the the archetypes and unite us in empathic resonance. I don't enjoy television programming that propagates mimetic falsities (such as many talk shows, reality tv and "the news", just to name a few), but i can appreciate a great piece of art as well as anyone. That which makes me laugh and cry and see past anybody's differences to know we are all the same, now that is good tv.

Conscious Evolution: Choices for Co-Creating an Empowered Legacy

"Conscious Evolution: Choices for Co-Creating an Empowered Legacy" is a unique book co-authored by Marna and Kelt McManus

Grey Bear Publisher's Release is no longer scheduled, it is on hold. We will be taking more time to make sure it is ready and will be releasing chapters individually for a few years just to raise energy for this one! Nonetheless, the inspiration is as follows:

Pushing the envelope into radical territory 'so that seekers may find', this easy-to-read book provides practical options for living within a paradigm of empowered, forward-thinking philosophy, the purpose of which being the improvement in the quality of life for all living beings - beginning within the mind and heart and body of each reader!

This revolutionary book is filled with practical information about ways you can participate in evolution consciously by applying new ways of doing every day things. From fundamental health and healing revelations, to discerning Truth, to creative arts, music, movement and stillness, to altruistic business, to environmental responsibility - all topics related to growth and improvement will be presented. Therefore, a large portion of this book will be dedicated to Conscious Parenting practices, which are absolutely critical to the optimal unfolding of our evolutionary processes!

Whether you already live a holistic lifestyle, or you would not know where to begin learning what that is, this book will give you the inspiration and the tools of raising awareness so that you can start where you are at and continue growing - on purpose!

Join us in exploring the Answers, while still leaving enough mystery to allow for Beautiful Surprises!

Call of the Wild Woman

"In her wake, the Empowered Woman leaves warm hearts in all; mothers honored, fathers encouraged, babies held, bellies filled, blessings spoken, hopes lifted, tears wiped, energy raised, love enraptured."

The above quote came to me in a dream last night.

I know doesn't make sense sometimes that i consider myself wild, since i'm home 90% of the time and I don't get drunk and 'show my tits' or spend any time in the forest at all (though i would like to, if we had one - we will be building a small fruit tree forest in our back yard over the course of the next few years, however). My wildness comes with my determination set years ago for full authenticity. i set out to know who I AM, to realize what was my purpose in life, to know myself thoroughly so that i would not waste a single moment giving energy to things that were not part of my path. it has been surprising, therefore, to find what IS part of my path, which is what life is like: you may be co-creating your reality but you will get surprises nonetheless!

My idea of a wild woman is the woman who loves her role as a domestic goddess only to the point where she is FREE to reign as Queen of Creation. ALL aspects of nurturing are creative. ALL aspects of energy clearing are creative. the Wild woman's role is to be present in the moment and respond as Spirit directs. NOT answering to any man, woman or child. Not being irreverent, either. Just wild.

I DO WHAT I WANT is a pretty common motto of a wild woman. but a Self-realized wild woman says so with humility and gratitude, and what she usually does want to do is to nurture, within the realm of boundless creativity. In the case of nursing a baby, I did take orders from my son and did so with ecstatic joy of purpose-fulfilling resolve and surrender.

Most of us are taught to know what we want, ask for it, get it and then complain. Not the wild woman - she has cultivated an attitude of innocent perception, of childlike faith in simplicity. all things are God. All things are gift from the Goddess. We are excited to discover sometimes that the way we thought our prayers would be answered is not at all how they are being answered - its going to be way better, beyond imagination!

I truly believe in imagination. I imagined in my dream last night how I might be remembered, as an Empowered Woman. I knew which qualities i wanted to exemplify and inspire in others. I AM all about the Spiritual Midwifery. There is nothing more ecstatically fulfilling to me than to be able to offer support to someone who is processing something out, or trying to process something within.

I must make a recommendation for my readers who've enjoyed this rant even just a little. I bow down to my personal hero on this subject (and many others), my Sister Goddess, Anastasia, who lives in the Siberian Taiga forest in Russia, raising her children in the wild. Her book series is called The Ringing Cedars of Russia and she expounds on philosophy of co-creation, grounding / connecting with Earth, gardening, bee-keeping, parenting, childrens' education, communing as Family. There is great value in what she teaches, and our book will contain several quotes by her i am sure. http://www.ringingcedars.com/

On that note, i am pleased to announce that Kelt and I not only got married nearly three weeks ago, but that we have finally settled on a book title, "Conscious Evolution: Choices for Co-Creating an Empowered Legacy".

here is the facebook press release:

"Conscious Evolution: Choices for Co-Creating an Empowered Legacy" is a unique book co-authored by Marna and Kelt McManus and published by Grey Bear

Grey Bear Publisher's Release is scheduled for early 2011. Stay tuned for digital copy release details!

Pushing the envelope into radical territory 'so that seekers may find', this easy-to-read book provides practical options for living within a paradigm of empowered, forward-thinking philosophy, the purpose of which being the improvement in the quality of life for all living beings - beginning within the mind and heart and body of each reader!

This revolutionary book is filled with practical information about ways you can participate in evolution consciously by applying new ways of doing every day things. From fundamental health and healing revelations, to discerning Truth, to creative arts, music, movement and stillness, to altruistic business, to environmental responsibility - all topics related to growth and improvement will be presented. Therefore, a large portion of this book will be dedicated to Conscious Parenting practices, which are absolutely critical to the optimal unfolding of our evolutionary processes!

Whether you already live a holistic lifestyle, or you would not know where to begin learning what that is, this book will give you the inspiration and the tools of raising awareness so that you can start where you are at and continue growing - on purpose!

Join us in exploring the Answers, while still leaving enough mystery to allow for Beautiful Surprises!

Blessings in Ecstatic Co-Creation,

Mrs Marna McManus aka Mrs Grey Bear