Saturday, June 5, 2010

Baby-Wearing Suits Everybody, Especially Babies

Why Every Parent Should Wear Their Babies

I'll admit it's a passion of mine, but it's also a primal instinct for humans - primitive as well as modern, civilized humans - to wear their young. The benefits are astounding, and I speak from personal experience. To list just a few of the 'official' perks of baby-wearing, you get calmer babies who cry much less and are less prone to colic or gas; they are better socialized because they are eye-to-eye with society and therefore also have better language development because they are better able to hear and see adults; and of course, parents get to bond with and know their child so well the child's needs are met instantly and less stress is experienced by everyone.

My Personal Experience

I did not find it as easy to do in the early months, but at 8 weeks my son and i found our groove. Because my arms got so tired from holding him while standing up, I insisted on mastering the wearing of him in a sling that was given to me. Artan nursed every hour for the first year, so i loved having the option to just nurse him while i did whatever it was i was doing - so not feeling interrupted, I was a happier mommy; not having to wait for boob, he was a happier baby. We used a sling for at least two and a half years, but used it less frequently as he was getting older, when he wanted to walk instead. I never once took my son's car seat out of the car - with the exception of the first and only time, which was just ridiculously cumbersome for me but i tried it because he was sleeping when we got to a restaurant. After that I just picked him up, sleeping or not, and put him into the sling, where he continued to sleep anyway. I also didn't need to keep a baby swing / electric or bouncy rocker in my space either. I never felt like it was cramping my style because my style is that of the busy hands, busy feet, eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart, relationship-oriented loving living type.

What Kind of Sling Works Best

I loved my padded ring sling for the first year because they have great control, are comfortable for the early months when nursing comfort is absolutely critical - especially with outings. If you find these awkward at first, there is a hump you have to get over and then these work blissfully - especially for constant-nursers!

For older babies, however, the one-piece / native / baby star/ band-style is my preference. These are great if you just need support with shorter wearings and want to have a tidier sling in tow (ie they fit better in your purse).

The really-long-piece of fabric style, which can wrap any which way, is great for going to a wedding; a really gorgeous wrap (i have made custom wraps for custom outfits) is especially handy for extra privacy in crowds where my child is not supposed to be the center of attention! ;)

They Usually Fall Asleep But They Could Also Be Super Heroes

If I could, I would coach every mother in my community for free on how to achieve easier baby-wearing. I will endeavor to use my feral goddess youtube page to post a few tutorials and demonstrations. Why is it important - aside from the fact that all babies tend to fall asleep in the sling - to wear your baby? Because it's imperative for humans to remain primal, to continue nurturing the mammalian brain and not neglecting deeply critical emotional energy within the limbic system, so that we can instead embrace yet another excellent opportunity to heal the evolving human race from the attempted denigration of the family bond by plastic corporate greed. We can recover our society from the surrogate comforts, which always lead to maladjusted personalities, neuroses, health problems, etc. Instead we can inspire authenticity in the people we co-create. They can be emotionally secure and therefore have none of the hang-ups we've 'discovered' in the most recent generations.

"...Modern science (as a front for greedy energy-control corporations financed by Illuminati banking interests) still has nearly everyone fooled." (David Wolfe / Nick Good, Amazing Grace 2008)

We can create super-heroes out of our children by meeting their physical and emotional needs in those early years especially. Do the research - children who are not breast-fed are much more likely to become criminals, for example. So how much greater can we make babies, if we not only meet their nutritional needs but also their higher-brain functioning (such as socialization, as i mentioned in the first section), simply by wearing them on our bodies?

Well, I have to admit, I am living with a 4-year-old super hero now and I am in humble gratitude that my instincts led me to this time-honored, primal practice. Baby-wearing - JUST DO IT!

<3 Blessings in Ecstatic Living

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

to worry is the devil

As an attempting Co-Creator in an aspirant Legacy of Ecstatic Mothering, I endeavor to discourage mothers from worrying not just because it's not fun, but worrying actually creates bad situations (footnotes as per quantum physics, ancient texts, etc ... :p ).

what to do with the mama bear instinct energy? it's unfortunately a modern motherly response to want to "fix" the situation in a masculine sense, but all we tend to do with that primal energy is to worry, which is not beneficial. So... instead of worrying in the classic sense, you can use your 'concerns' to remind you to creatively ask to receive intuitive guidance as to that which would shift the pattern into something your family members can use to their mutual advantage. If you find yourself worrying (by recognizing 'bad' feelings during thoughts), press 'delete' in your head and ask a how or why question from which you accept responsibility in the answer, for example, how can i turn his day around? if you wait for an answer, simply by knowing you have an audience (all that is, I AM, God, what-have-you), trust that you'll get an answer. And the brilliant Universal Mother within you actually answers. I've seen this happen time & time again.

I don't have issues with worrying as much as i have programs running that are negative 'curses' such as, "if you keep playing on the street you're bound to get hit by a car" or anything - it could be anything psychological too - it's often that i catch myself repeating exactly what my mother and grandparents would say (and i am sure, their grandparents before them and so on) This is how things in this world get out of control. We are capable of creating a different paradigm of parenting if we end the patterns - such as worrying, nagging, etc - by choosing to replace them with positive ones that eventually encourage our children to express who they really are - which is absolutely magical. Long-held patterns tend to stifle evolution. The only thing that is constant is change!

It is my prayer that my long-blabbering rants inspire parents to partake in conscious evolution so that worry, fear, doubt, and all negativity may become extinct.

<3 Blessings in Ecstatic Living